We all agree that time is of the essence, and the time has come for us to begin taking responsibility for our planet. We can and should start right here in our community.
A Place to Care About
One of the most critical values upon which we believe the White Flint Sector Plan is based is a commitment to Smart Growth and sustainability for our children and grandchildren. White Flint will be a place that takes advantage of public transportation resources and enhances the community with walkable neighborhoods, green buildings and the latest technology to use less and cleaner energy.
Throughout our designs for the White Flint area, we emphasize green space and vegetation that helps our community fight climate change. We are committed to surfaces that will lead to vastly improved quality of storm water run-off, which will protect our nearby streams, rivers and the Chesapeake Bay. And our proposals for low energy buildings will help counter the negative impacts of carbon emissions, reducing our community’s carbon footprint.
Smart Growth
White Flint is committed to Smart Growth and to creating a community that encourages walking, biking and the use of mass transit. Our goal is to achieve a unique sense of community and place – expanding the range of transportation, employment and housing choices, planning for open spaces and parks that encourage physical activity, preserving natural and cultural resources and promoting public well-being.
Plans for parks and walkability include:
- Seven parks, ample green space and landscaping, less asphalt
- Incentives to encourage people to leave their cars and walk through the urban core
Parks and Walkability Maps –
- 1st map – caption: Overview (click to view larger image)
- 2nd map – caption: The streets highlighted in blue represent a 10 minute or less walk to the Metro station.
- 3rd map – Three of the planned parks are circled in the map above.
Green Tech Gallery
The latest green technology will be utilized throughout White Flint. Click on images below to view our Green Tech gallery of examples of some of these cutting-edge methods, including “green roofs”, which use new plants, grass and trees to replace the vegetation that was removed for construction of the building. Curtain walls, which have high efficiency glass, and auto-adjusting lighting with sensors to help reduce the amount of energy used are further illustrations of green technology building practices that can help us to achieve our goal of a sustainable White Flint.